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iAiB iCiD iEiF iGiH iIiJ iKiL iMiN iOiP iQiR iSiT iUiV iWiX iYiZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
PLACEMENT insurance agents 16
PLAN COVER.COM insurance 35, 36
insurance 9
PRIYANKA insurance +plant 36
RELIANCE general insurance 36
RISPL insurance +arrow 16
SAFE ZONE insurance +arcs 36, 41
SCHOOLNET insurance academy 16
SCHOOLNET academy insurance 16
SREILIFE life insurance 16
SURVEYLANCE insurance 9
TATA AIG insurance 36
TATA AIG MERA insurance 36
ZEN FOREX & insurance 16
rbc insurance 16
redefining insurance 9, 16
insurancekhoj.com 36
insure guru learn more +sun 41
I sure insure +stripes 36
AA ANIGMA int'l centre 39
foot supports int'l +foot 25
intangled forks in circle 15
CARAT integra 16
integral yoga institute 41
ROADMAP integrate innovate 42
integrated healing & beauty 5
HERTZ integrated mobility 12, 36, 37, 39
ICM integrated communicatio 9
IIS integrated internet 9
IMDCM integrated mobile dat 9
IPC integrated power contro 9
IPM integrated pest +insect 1
ISLE integrated simulated 9, 16
SIEMENS safety integrated 7
TANISH integrated fabric 24
TH 130 integrated hardness 9
TIE totally integrated 9
UE uniworld integrated 39
integrated 9
mira integrated marcom 35
sky ads integrated +ovals 35
the integrated MCA-MBA prog 16
HTMT inspiring integration 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34
ecosystem integration 35, 36, 37, 38, 42
integrator 38
integrity @ GENPACT 35
integrity @ WORK 35
SURANA intellect intensive 16
SURANA & SURANA intellect 42
CT intellectual thinking 42
ET intellengence group 35
intelligenc 9, 38
intelligenc 9
ET intelligence group 16, 41
INVENTION intelligence 16
SS study intelligence +bird 41
business india intelligence 16
hire intelligence +men 9
intelligent CARRY +squares 12, 37
intelligent IQ clothing 25
intelligent office 35, 36, 38
intelligent-AWD 16
AIM animating intelligent 16
ALYGN intelligent register 7
DTWO intelligent-informatio 9, 16
EDESK intelligent enterpris 10
GI intelligent guidance 41
I DEXIN intelligent inverte 9
I-VEND intelligent 37
I-VEND intelligent innovate 30
IAMR intelligent automatic 9
IB intelligent building USP 37
IKB intelligent knowledge 9
KLUG intelligent it solutio 16
LOGIWIZ intelligent logisti 39
intelligent 12
SILICON GATEWAY intelligent 16, 36
TAKE FORWARD intelligent sc 9
TAKE NET intelligent scm 9
ATTITUDE moisture intense 3
FIAMA DI WILLS intense hydr 3
MARLBORO intense 34
POND'S intense moisture 3
BALNEUM intensiv +circle 3
I intensive healthcare +ova 35
MOHA intensive moisturizing 3
SURANA intellect intensive 16
FI future intent +square 41
ISS inter system services 10
RP GENIUS HUNT inter-school 41
W inter national +globe 9
ie inter elect engineers 37
interact vision 16
interactive english readers 16
BIG interactive 38
BROOKS interactive 9
CALL ONE interactive 41
DESIGNSCAPE interactive 9
I-LAB interactive lab 41
MEME interactive +circles 42
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